St Pete Ecovillage is Changing the Rules for Tiny Houses in the City

Last year I gave a tour of St Pete Ecovillage as it was just getting going. They held a tiny house festival to build interest in tiny houses and to get the city behind making changes to code to allow more tiny houses. This year I return with an update, and there is so much to talk about. St Pete Ecovillage has a lot going on and it’s changing so fast, it’s hard to include it all, so this is a longer than usual video.

The Crazy, Beautiful, and Useful Tropical Plants in my Neighborhood

There’s nothing I like more than going for a botanical walk through the neighborhoods of St Pete. Some neighborhoods have mostly lawn, but some have a startling array of tropical plants on display, some useful, most just ornamental. But every walk is like a new adventure and you never know what crazy plants you will discover just a few blocks from where you are staying.

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We almost got run down by an organic water buffalo

On the way back from the Sustainable Living Conference we stopped at an organic water buffalo farm to pick up some water buffalo milk. I always love seeing different examples of sustainable agriculture in action, and I’d never seen water buffalo before. The farm also has a sugar cane syruping operation and a market garden. There was lots to see, but we also had an adventure with ants and a water buffalo bull.

5000 Subscribers! Edible Wild Plants at the Sustainable Living Conference

In March, I had the chance to go to the Sustainable Living Conference, a gathering of a couple hundred people interested in finding out how they can live more sustainable lifestyles. The event went on for four days and there were dozens of workshops on all different topics. Although I was only there for a day or so, my interest was piqued and I plan to go back in future years for a longer time.