About Hardcore Sustainable

Hardcore Sustainable is based at Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage, a sustainable community located in northeastern Missouri. Started in 1997, DR is a model for building a sustainable village from the ground up. I have lived at DR for over 8 years and have built everything from my natural home to my food system from scratch, based on sustainable principles.


Organic local foods bounty

This site and Youtube channel are the story of how one member of Dancing Rabbit lives. Through these videos, you will learn how you can incorporate sustainable practices into every aspect of your life and how you can bring similar sustainable systems to your community.

Much of this site will focus on how I live, but since there are over 50 people living here in over 30 natural buildings, from time to time I will be interviewing and showcasing what others are doing as well. DR has the largest collection of natural buildings in one place in the entire Midwest with some of the most sophisticated and radical systems for institutionalizing sustainability, so there is plenty to talk about. When it comes to sustainability, we are hardcore!

It’s my hope that Hardcore Sustainable will serve as a tool for building the DR economy, something that is very crucial to continuing our experiment. At the same time, it will bring our message and our methods to people across the world.  Since we are getting little help from a system and economy that rewards unsustainable practices, we have to fund our own experiments and our own programs for educating people about what we are doing.

Canola Experiment

Oilseed Canola Experiment


You can help by spreading the word, visiting the ecovillage, or even moving here. Sign up to my email list and get updates, follow my Youtube channel Hardcore Sustainable, and don’t forget to share and like my videos on Youtube and on social media.

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