Strawbale Round House Showcases Every Natural Building Method Imaginable

This is the first of a few videos I’ll post touring Hassan’s round house–a structure still under construction that showcases just about every natural building technique you can imagine. His house is in the second year of building, but it’s future beauty is already visible even though it’s unfinished. This house also implements many systems–heating, cooling, insulation, water–that make it a truly sustainable house. There’s a lot to see so it needed a few videos to explain it all.

To see more about Hassan’s house and other projects go to:

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  1. Thanks for sharing! Does Hassan plan for his August 2018 workshop to work on finishing details of this house?


      Hi Erika. He did say he was going to be doing another workshop in August. I’m not sure what he will be working on then–if the house will be done and he’ll be moving on to another one. You can check for more info.

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