Making Milk Paint Straight from the Cow

You’ve probably heard of milk paint. It’s a much more sustainable type of paint than acrylic paints for indoor applications. It doesn’t offgas, contains no petrochemicals, and is biodegradable, unlike acrylic paints, which contain plastics. You can buy milk paint premixed or in powder form, but in this video, I’ll be making MILK PAINT straight from the cow. I go through the entire process using raw local milk as the base, and mixing in only slaked lime, and earth pigments. It’s that simple!

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A Natural Alternative to Paint for Wood Siding and Fences

I don’t like acrylic and oil based paints. They’re usually derived from fossil fuel and they inevitably peel and need to be scraped and reapplied after several years. In this video, I show you a natural alternative to paint for wood siding and other outdoor wood applications. The ingredients for this natural paint are derived from plants and this alternative doesn’t peel or fade. It’s cheaper to make than synthetic paints and incredibly easy to mix up from basic ingredients. With just raw linseed oil, turpentine, and earth pigments you can throw together this natural finish for any outdoor wood product. It’s the perfect choice for painting wood siding on a house, a fence, or any outdoor wood product or project.

Wood Treatment Recipe
2 parts Turpentine
3 parts Raw Linseed Oil
Earth pigment to taste

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Double Your Grape Vines in a Couple Months With This Method | 100% Success Rate

Grape cuttings are usually rooted using dormant cuttings taken in the fall or winter. These are great and can have a success rate of 70% or so in ideal conditions, but there’s another way to have 100% success and get rooted cuttings in just a month. And it’s easier than any other kind of grape propagation. In this video, I’ll show you the few easy steps to make layered grape cuttings.

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Permaculture in an Organic Vineyard at a Radical Ecovillage

I live in what is probably North America’s most radical ecovillage, Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage. I moved here over 15 years ago to live in the country closer to the land, and to devote my life to reducing my impact on the planet.

Spring is the time for getting the garden in. Part of my garden is in my organic vineyard. I don’t just grow grapes. I grow cucumbers, squash, tomatoes, and melons between my grape vines. And in the past few years I’ve also been growing perennial flowers to provide an additional cash crop from the space. I use comfrey within the rows of grapes to smother the grasses and other weeds that would otherwise rob the grapevines of water and nutrients. Most vineyards would just spray herbicide to control the weeds. Permaculture is possible even in a vineyard.

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Early Spring Self Sufficiency On an Ecovillage Homestead

Living sustainably and self sufficiently is a lot of hard work. You have to take the opportunities to get work done when the weather allows, but you also have to take time to appreciate the natural world around you when you have the chance. This is early spring for me in the ecovillage where I live.

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Amazing Off-grid Kitchen in My Tiny House

I’ve done videos on parts of my kitchen before, but I’ve never given a tour of my whole off-grid kitchen and all the things about that make it more eco than other kitchens. So many resources are channeled through our kitchens…all the things we depend on to feed ourselves nutritious food. I’ll take you on a tour of every little feature of my off-grid kitchen at Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage, one of the world’s most radical ecovillages.

#offgrid #kitchen #ecovillage