Making Feta Cheese on a Homestead Scale: Setting and Cutting the Curds

This is the next in the series on making feta cheese on a homestead scale from fresh raw cow’s milk.  In this video we add the rennet and set and cut the curd.  This is the fun chemistry part of the process where the milk transforms into something else.  I also talk a little about raw milk products and why they are so hard to come by in our economy.

Making Feta Cheese on a Homestead Scale Pt 1

This is the first in a series of videos making feta cheese with raw milk from our local dairy farm.  If you want to make cheese on a larger scale, this is an easy way to do it without having to set up a warm water bath or having a heated jacketed stainless steel vat.  It’s all about the transfer of heat from one place to another and then keeping the heat where you want it.  There are easier ways to do it than what they tell you in the cheesemaking books.

A Walking Tour of Our Property

We’ve been having such unseasonably warm weather I’ve been taking advantage of it to enjoy our land. Banjo joins me on this tour of our land at DR. We live on the prairie and are mostly surrounded by monoculture. Because most of our land is preserved, it provides habitat for a lot of wildlife that can’t find a home on the monoculture farmland in the area.

One of the great benefits of living here is having access to so much wildland. When I lived in the city I’d travel to the country or wild places for my vacations. Now I often vacation in the city because I get my fill of nature living here.

Tiny House Dirty Jobs: Cistern Maintenance. Ick!!

Everyone who has a cistern looks forward to that day when they have to empty it and take the plunge into the depths of the earth to clean the gunk out. Even if you have a roof wash system, sediment inevitably builds up over time when your water comes from the sky.

I’m doing the dirty job of cleaning the cistern at Morel, one of the tiny houses at Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage. I’m pretty sure this cistern has never been cleaned, so it’s got some serious paleolithic buildup in the bottom.