This Cheap, Easy Solar Power System Cut My Electric Bill A LOT

I recently decided to expand my solar power system because I’ve begun implementing more electric appliances in my house to get me off of propane, the only fossil fuel I use in the home. The system I used was super easy and incorporated a microinverter, which allows a connection without a charge controller and some of the expensive components required for a traditional power system. For about $500 I was able to add 810W to my system. As of the posting of this video I’d already made back about $100 of that investment in utility bill savings.

I have a tiny power system compared to most, but that’s because I live simply and sustainably in a small house in an ecovillage. But this system can be upscaled for any application anywhere. The benefits are that all you need to buy is the panels, a microinverter, wiring, and fuses. It’s basically plug and play, as I demonstrate in this video.

#solarpower #microinverter #easysolarpower #offgridsolar

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