Sustainable Living Skills You Need to Survive

It might not seem so serious to the average consumer in the First World, but the future of the world as we know hangs in the balance. The media is full of bad news that can make changing things for the better seem hopeless, but there are simple and radical things you can do to reduce your impact and set an example for others. It's not just a choice, our survival depends on it.
Follow my YouTube Channel Hardcore Sustainable to find out how I've implemented sustainable technologies and techniques at Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage to help me live more lightly on the Earth.
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Harnessing Wind Power the Old Fashioned Way: Sailing in the Gulf
My aunt and uncle take me out sailing on a sailboat my uncle built himself. This is wind power technology that humans have been using for thousands of years. I love the feeling of speeding along knowing we are moving without the use of anything but natural power. Maybe next time I can get them to do the entire trip without the motor. I know they have the skills. I’ve only gone sailing sporadically in my life and most of those times were with my aunt and uncle.
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Getting High In St Petersburg
Although I haven’t flown in a plane in a while because I’m concerned about the impact of plane travel on the planet, my uncle happens to be an avid small plane flyer. He’s taken me up in his Mooney prop plane a couple times since I’ve come here to Florida, and this video is a little documentary of one of these adventures. We flew to his sailboat and went practice racing with a few other boats, but that part of the adventure will come in the next video. I wish I could say this was a solar powered plane, but it was just diesel. Although, I’m not crazy about the impact of flying, like many other activities that are destructive to the planet, I can understand the appeal in terms of fun and experience. I just had to share this experience because it was pretty awesome. This little video series will showcase the power of the wind.
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Design Details of the Tall Ship Amara Zee
In this video I show you some more of the tall ship Amara Zee, a great inspiration for building and carpentry. This ship is very unique and every part of the ship was designed with purpose and efficience. It’s a whole new experience in living. The ship looks old, but it was completed in 1997 for the Caravan Stage Company a theater that was called by the New York Times “a cross between Cirque du Soleil and Occupy Wall Street”. It is patterned after a Thames river barge from the late 1800s.
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Amazing Permaculture Garden at the St Pete Ecovillage
It’s been a little while since I uploaded a video because I’m working all the time here in Florida. But now I’ve got a backlog of videos to post about what I’ve been doing in St Petersburg. This is a little tour of one of my first visits to the St Pete Ecovillage, which is a very newly established ecovillage in Florida with ambitious goals.
I love that in January and February there is abundant produce coming from the garden. There are fruits and veggies that ripen only at this time of year, but year round there is something coming from the garden. It was in a subtropical region that the modern form of permaculture originated, and Florida is perfectly suited to it. In just a month I’ve seen romaine lettuce go from seedling to harvestable heads. It’s truly unbelievable.
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Tiny Living on a Tall Ship: The Amara Zee
This is the first tour of the Amara Zee, the tall ship theater that I was living on when I first came to St. Petersburg. This ship was built in 1997 so that performers from the Caravan Stage Company could continue their traveling theater after they hung up the reigns from their horse and carriage days. The boat is a great example of tiny cooperative living when production for their next performance is in full swing, and then it continues to be a kind of mobile cooperative living situation. Twenty or so actors, dancers, and managers take to the water, going from port to port to perform their politically charged theater. Built by hand, the design and wood work is an inspiration for anyone building a tiny house.
My Florida Adventure Begins
In this video I arrive in Florida and explore the town I’m living in while down here–St Petersburg. This town has a lot to offer and of all the places I could go to in the horrendously backwards state of Florida, this is probably one of the best. It’s not that Florida doesn’t have a lot to offer. If it didn’t, I wouldn’t want to be here. Unfortunately, Florida is a lot more like Disneyworld than it is like the places I’ll be showing you during my time here.