This Season’s Great Crop Experiment: Rice

I’m sure this has happened to you before. You’re looking through the seed catalog in the middle of winter and dreaming of how free of pests and disease your garden is going to be, how perfect the amount of rain is going to be, and how productive all your crops are going to be, and you think you can fit just one more crop in.
Every year I get inspired (or some might say duped) to buy an unusual crop or plant I’ve never tried before. This year was no different. Apparently, and crazily, rice is grown in southern Missouri. I eat so much rice I would at least like to see if it would be possible to grow it here, so I spent the $1.50 on a little packet of upland rice. This is what happened.

Two Single Mothers Are Building A Tiny House in the City-Legally

Tiny Houses are a big thing in the city of St Pete, but technically it’s not legal to build one. You have to get special approval from the city, and even that’s not a certainty. But Jaleesa and Joni are two women determined to build their own tiny house and live small and more self sufficiently in the city. Tiny houses offer a low cost home for people without the burden of a huge mortgage, which can make a big difference in the lives of two single mothers. They gave me a little tour of their land and showed me the design an architect has drawn up for them.

You can help them raise funds to make their tiny house a reality by visiting their facebook page and contacting them to contribute.

And of course follow the Hardcore Sustainable Facebook page:

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