This vineyard will grow THOUSANDS of pounds of veggies too

Part of sustainable food production is planting a diversity of crops. Permaculture promotes stacking functions and synergistic plantings of crops and perennials. Every season I make use of the space in between my rows of grapes to grow vegetable produce on a larger scale. This space is normally kept in grass or a cover crop, but this seems like a waste of land when it could be producing more food for sale or home eating. All that space needs to be mowed and maintained throughout the season. In addition, by planting vegetables I can reduce the competition for water and nutrients with the grapes since vegetable root systems are much shallower and less extensive than grass roots. Since starting this practice, I’ve found an increase in the productivity and vigor of the grapevines.

Hoop house spinach: Season extension

My hoop house has been a great asset in recent years for getting early season greens. I got started a little late this year, but still have a good crop of spinach going. It always does much better than spinach outside the hoop house because it can get a longer cooler season with the passive solar heating and temperature regulation of the hoop house. I also talk about the starts I’ve gotten going this season.

The Crazy, Beautiful, and Useful Tropical Plants in my Neighborhood

There’s nothing I like more than going for a botanical walk through the neighborhoods of St Pete. Some neighborhoods have mostly lawn, but some have a startling array of tropical plants on display, some useful, most just ornamental. But every walk is like a new adventure and you never know what crazy plants you will discover just a few blocks from where you are staying.

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